Here Are 9 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Amazing Graphic Design

Manoj Shukla
5 min readDec 10, 2022


An appropriate graphic design for your website is essential for uplifting your business. Your website needs to look great, and it should also be user-friendly. A website that looks good but is difficult to use will result in a poor customer experience.

The key to getting a better ROI is improving the Websites User Experience, which is why the design of your website should be easy-to-use and intuitive.

What is user experience all about?

User experience has always been a big part of UX design. It can include usability and customer satisfaction, information architecture, navigability, and visual design.

However, there are many ways to define what constitutes the experience of using it. It can be because it is a collection of several elements and components that are important in creating the overall experience for your users, suggests a graphic designing company in Bangalore.

Is your website ready for an upgrade in the user interface?

9 Factors Your Business Website Needs Creative Graphics

1. Engaging blogs attract more visitors

Quality blogs are a great way to create good customer relations. They not only promote your brand but also drive traffic to your website.

Blogs are a great medium to share information on topics that are not available on videos and other social media platforms sometimes.

B2B companies often have FAQ sections that contain many unanswered questions or missing information. So, blogging allows you to include information in these FAQ pages and provide answers to common questions that prospective customers may have about your company.

2. Loading speed

Search engines prefer websites that have a quick loading time. And it will help to rank your website, so you need to work out the loading speed of your website. It’s been proven that less than two seconds of loading delay can negatively impact your website’s traffic.

Having a website that loads quickly is crucial to keeping your visitors happy. Your web page’s load time impacts your user experience (UX), conversion rates, and sales revenue, so optimizing it will improve these factors. So, the speed of loading the site is one of the elements of user experience, which matters a lot.

3. Being responsive toward customers

After smartphones and reliable internet access were released, responsive email design made its way into the web design industry. Emails used to be sent in their native format or viewed as attachments on web servers.

With the rise of responsive emails, marketers have realized that sending an email isn’t just about sending a document; it’s about engaging subscribers with a personalized experience on their desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

The number of mobile devices coming to the web has grown to 60%, which has led to a shift towards responsive websites, which offer a better user experience immediately. An optimized mobile website works across all devices in the same way. Computers and mobile devices do not change or become unusable in this way.

4. Improve navigation by removing bottlenecks

To get better results with your online marketing, you must understand your potential customers’ actions on your site. One of the best ways to get more leads is to understand your customers. The more insight you have into their experiences on your website, the better equipped you will be to help them with their needs.

Create a list of scenarios your customers are likely experiencing when visiting your site, then write down their objections and ways to resolve each one for the best result of a digital marketing campaign.

5. Make interactions interesting

An interactive website encourages audiences to interact and return to your site more often as it is made interesting and engaging. You can also improve the awareness and reach of your brand with an interactive website.

If you want to offer your customers an outside-the-box experience, investing in video or image services may be a good idea. The longer people engage with your site, the better the chance of rising in Google SERP rankings.

6. Provide Dynamic Content to Users

Dynamic content refers to digital or online content that is subject to change in response to data, user behavior, and preferences. Depending on the format, this can be text, audio, or video.

Pop-ups were originally designed to provide additional value to a user’s experience. A pop-up may perform better if you show it after they’ve read a few articles. In other words, dynamic content is displayed based on customer behavior. Check the effectiveness of pop-ups by testing them where they work best.

7. Using chatbots for customer support

It is possible to communicate with customers through a variety of channels. Users can search for issues they want to resolve using internal wikis, help portals, and FAQ pages. People are usually directed to customer service when this fails.

CS teams are always looking for ways to optimize efficiency and speed up the response time. In many cases, this means automating tasks that can be repetitive or time-consuming. Chatbots are one way to do this, and they can be used for various purposes. You can create a chatbot to answer frequently asked questions, guide users through the site, or even create a sales chatbot.

8. Building trust among customers

Building trust is essential for online purchases. However, many users are now wary of who they give their personal information, let alone their financials. Establishing trust should be a priority for any business that wants to succeed in the online market. If a business can’t establish trust, it will likely lose customers and sales.

In the modern world, most of our interactions and transactions occur online. Due to this, it has become increasingly important for businesses to build trust with their potential and current customers. Customers who do not trust a business are unlikely to purchase, sign up for a service, or provide personal information. Therefore, businesses must work to build trust with their target audience to succeed.

9. Social proof

It is noted that the user experience increased to 37%. It is even better to leverage reviews from third-party websites when optimizing user experience. Link to these platforms and show your ratings to help build customer trust.

Wrapping up

Testing and experimenting are necessary to optimize your website user experience. As a result, your site will provide a pleasant, hassle-free user experience that meets the customer’s expectations while purchasing any product or service through your website.

